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BLOG STARTED: 5/13/05 BLOG DIED: ??/??/?? current layout: science box webmistress
Huang Yun recent entries
once again, its coming to the end of the month~~ m...a brief updates of how have i been for the past fe... thank honey for your care and concern.. at least t... ever since he come in between us.. we have been qu... Back from my fifth first aid lesson and next mon w... today i have make up my mind.. i decide to sign bo... attended 2nd day of first aid course...super tired... finally make a phone call to RTRC today..found out... we have stop seeing each other ever since your les... 说了自己不想说的话。。可是已经做了这个决定。。。。。。。。 wishlist
A trip to TaiwanA trip to Hong Kong A trip to Japan Digital camera (Sony T300) Laptop vaio (white) Get B4 in Eng Dip in Early Childhood Driving licence plugboard