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Huang Yun

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A trip to Taiwan
A trip to Hong Kong
A trip to Japan
Digital camera (Sony T300)
Laptop vaio (white)
Get B4 in Eng
Dip in Early Childhood
Driving licence




Sunday, June 5, 2005
@ 11:37 PM

im so tired today...playing maple for so long...today PQ for so many time, but only 1 time consider success -_-" but quite good ba, i gt a lightning earring..

jus see my grade, hehe i gt another 'A' hee (^_^)v but i remember tat day i din do much thing..haha but i still get 'A' weird...lol

hmmm..ytd jia jia stay at my hse, hai..we trying to find some connection, but i cant found any and we both play crazy taxi and silly pool for few hours..i suddenly found tat guy seem to be more pro in playing game...he break a lot of my record T.T sob... hmmm tat all ba....cya

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